BE IRREVERENT: International residence for a visionary and artistic minds
Barcelona, 6th March to 31 March 2023.
We are looking for artistic and curious minds who wish to create immersive and interactive projects with interdisciplinary teams.
A creative residence in Barcelona, ESPRONCEDA- Institute of Art & Culture, during 3 weeks to create projects and prototypes using advanced technologies: XR, AI, scanners, sensors, holograms, 360 projection/sound and haptics.
Deadline to apply Febreary 6th
Ding Ding
Maia Basso
Yiqing Chen
Paul Lakos
Denise Thiemke
Anna Gayete
Carlos Garcia
Alba Gonzalez
Ida Cecilie
Location: ESPRONCEDA- Institute of Art & Culture, Barcelona
Dates: 6 th March to 31th March 2022
Number of participants: 10 artists/ creatives/ technical developers.
Participation: by invitation or Open Call.
Public Open Call till February 6 th .
Selected residents will be announced on February 7 th by email to the participants.
Arrival to Barcelona could be between March 4 th to March 7 th , being the first workshop
organized on March 8 th .
The residence includes:
1) Accommodation in shared houses with individual rooms and shared bathroom/
kitchen, living room. For free.
2) Access to all the technical equipment of ESPRONCEDA: gamer laptops, VR
headsets, projectors (included holographic)
3) Workshops by experts. Free access. About: Artificial Intelligence, virtual/
extended reality, creative storytelling, 3D sound, creation of liminal
4) Guided visits to key institutions in Barcelona: Hangar, CCCB, IDEAL, etc.
The residence don’t includes:
1) Travel cost. We could help the artist to have a grant sending an invitation letter.
Currently “Culture Moves Europe” is a good grant. Others are available.
2) Fee or per diem. ESPRONCEDA is not offering a grant for these concepts.
Sometimes there are national grants available for it.
3) Insurances.
Topic of 2023: Be irreverent!
Projects must be new productions/ ideas.
Project by teams, we encourage the creation of teams: 2/3 members to negotiate and
create together a project from to concept to the implementation.
– First week: Team building workshop/ initial tech workshops/ creation of teams.
– Second week: tech workshops/ institutional visits
– Third week: working in the team projects.
– Four week: Pitch in front the jury/ prototypes show in Espronceda exhibition room.
The residence is presential in Barcelona, but we could be flexible with the agenda of
the participant. Minimum in Barcelona: 2 weeks. Recommended 1 st week (creation of
teams) and final week (implementation of the projects).
More update info will be published in our website:
Project by Carlos Reché, Ding Ding, Ida Cecilie
Site-specific room-scale interactive installation that combines immersive theatre
with discursive design to create a dialogue between virtual and physical spaces,
exploring the ways in which technology mediates our perceptions. Through AR
and site-specific 3D sound, we wanted to show a spontaneous occurrence of
“encounter” between the localised narrative and the audience. We present
fragmented imaginings of urban change, and we hope that these elements allow
the viewer to regenerate an observation of their own neighbourhood. Encounters
here are another extension of creativity, more like an experiential dimension
based on the original and partially subjective potential of each subject, either in
the imagination or as a forward-looking warning of the transcendental
Project by Maia Basso, Alba Gonzalez
A virtual reality experience that tries to awaken in the participant a feeling of complicity with the new neo-feudal technological system that Big Tech is developing.
complicity with the new neo-feudal technological system that Big Tech is developing.
Quoting Emiliano Zapata “I prefer to die on my feet than to live on my knees”, we want to vindicate the right to civil disobedience and to incarnate in the physical
the right to civil disobedience and to incarnate in the physical record the cost of accepting the rules of the game and enjoying the
the rules of the game and enjoy the welfare offered by these idealized models of the city of the future.
Project by Paul Lakos, Denise Thiemke, Anna Gayete
Holon is a multisensory VR experience that aims to question the Western cultural assumption that humans have a dominant position over nature.
The project challenges the idea of human superiority over nature by creating an embodied interaction where humans and trees are treated as equal partners.
The act of hugging a tree and receiving a hug back in the virtual world symbolizes the interconnectedness and reciprocity between humans and the natural world, evoking a deep sense of belonging in a larger ecosystem.
Within this playful but provocative experience, Holon strives to deconstruct the notion that humans can dominate nature, and encourage people to o reconsider our relationship with the natural world in a more interdependence way.
The Light Meditation
Project by Yiqing Chen and Nanzhen Yang
The Light Meditation is a live audio performance that invites the audience to a spiritual meditation, perceiving the inward information. The project attempts to portray an instinctive perception of information through an immersive visual-aural experience, reducing from analytical processing of information under Shannon’s information system. From MorseCode to Li-Fi, visible light communication(VLC) has shifted from its visual nature to complex patterns that are technology- oriented, similarly digital art shifts from an opposition of presence-absence to a pattern-random arrangement. With the intervention of modern communication technology, images and texts as information are read analytically and purposefully. Yet is communication transmission through visible light still decodable when the codebook is missing? In this random and undecodable state of chaos, I invite the audience to a meditation that their spirituality and sensibility engage with information as they sense it rather than read it analytically, they are welcome to perceive information and energy inwards in a state of concentration and immersion, guided by sound and light.

International and national partners: